The Company’s stock has been listed in the SET ESG Index for the year 2023 for 5 consecutive years (previously known as THIS). It also received ESG assessment results or SET ESG Ratings at the “A” level.

The Company has been listed in the Corporate Governance Report of Thai Listed Companies 2023 (CGR) and achieved the “Excellent” score or “5-star”

The Company was awarded Thailand’s Most Admired Company 2023-2024 as the Company with sustainable development, which received customer trust and the highest score in the property industry for two consecutive years from BrandAge magazine.

Suntowers and Singha Complex have received the prestigious Thailand Energy Awards 2023 as the exemplary energy-saving buildings in the controlled building labelgory, awarded by the Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency, Ministry of Energy.

Suntowers and Singha Complex have also received the exemplary safety buildings in 2023 also known as BSA Building Safety Awards 2023, in the “Gold” and “Bronze” levels, respectively, organized by Building Safety Association (BSA).

Suntowers and Singha Complex has been honored TFMA Sustainable Management Building Awards 2023 at the FM Diamond level from Thailand Facility Management Association (TFMA)

S-Oasis was certified the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Gold Version 4 global standards in 2023 by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) for its building on Vibhavadi-Rangsit Road on environmentally friendly practices, promoting good health, energy efficiency, and cost savings.

SHR has been listed in the SET ESG Index for the year 2023 and received an A-level assessment in SET ESG Ratings. Additionally, SHR has achieved an excellent score or 5-star rating in the Corporate Governance Report of Thai Listed Companies 2023.

SHR has been awarded the Green Globe™ Certification for conducting environmentally friendly business operations and supporting sustainable communities, which is internationally recognized by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council and the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).