The International real estate developer and investment company aims to create a variety of businesses
and develop projects with services to create a memorable experience as well as enhance the quality of life
with a commitment to create sustainable growth and deliver value to all groups of stakeholders
Responsible for a society based on good governance under the concept of





Balanced contrast creates happiness and harmony through all seasons of life.
Singha Estate
Singha Estate
Singha Estate
Singha Estate


To develop and manage Singha Estate’s balanced and welldiversified portfolio, encompassing residential, commercial,
hospitality and industrial estate and infrastructure businesses, with high professional standards. Thus, delivering
best-in-class products and services to enhance great customer experience with unparalleled value proposition.
The Company strives to achieve all this without compromising on the integrity of its code of business conduct under
good corporate governance principles, ensuring fair treatment of all stakeholders, taking into consideration
the community, social and environmental wellbeing, in quest of sustainable growth.

Management message

  • Singha Estate
    Chayanin Debhakam, D.B.A.
    Chairman of the
    Executive Committee
  • Singha Estate
    Mr. Petipong
    Pungbun Na Ayudhya
    Chairman of the Board of Directors
  • Singha Estate
    Ms. Thitima Rungkwansiriroj
    Chief Executive Officer
Singha Estate’s revised strategy seeks to bolster its business sustainability based on two key approaches:
diversification and higher weighting of fast recovering businesses in its investment portfolio.

Corporate Strategy

  • Well-diversified Portfolio

    To sustain ongoing investments both in Thailand and abroad to capitalize on emerging opportunities, with a view to rebalancing business portfolio and stabilizing revenue to drive the Company towards sustainable growth

  • Synergy

    To leverage cross-business synergies within S Group and build alliance partnerships for mutually beneficial value exchange in all dimensions, unique selling points, and competitive advantage for long-term growth

  • Customer Centric

    To pay meticulous attention to detail and keep a keen eye for quality to create an unparalleled value proposition and memorable experience for customers of Singha Estate

  • Green Mission

    To establish a green roadmap covering all stages of our operations to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030

Awards &

We are committed to building the best in class projects that bring happiness to every individual residing within our developments and contribute to the long-term sustainability and balance of communities, society, and the environment.